Saturday, May 22, 2010

My new voting criteria...

I have decided that YouTube and other online video services will now be my source of preference to preview and decide who I am voting for. The problem MAY BE finding anyone honest and intelligent enough to vote for. Still, I think one basic test that is fastest and most informative will be to listen to various actual comments these politicians make...and then vote or not based on their veracity and intellect.

Here are just a FEW examples that I have chosen to highlight in making my point. I have attempted to show balance in my selection...revealing that many politicians from any of the parties are suspect in their intellect and honesty.

Nancy Pelosi's "greatest hits"...

Sarah Palin's "greatest hits"...

Hypocrisy Watch: Eric Cantor

Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam

Hypocrisy of gay Congressmen...

And finally...Bill Maher, with his acerbic wit, takes on "Tea Baggers" and some of the general irrationality of many independent politicians regarding their solutions that don't add up...

Now...I just can't wait to see all the videos from politicians and big oil tycoons on the many coverups of the latest/greatest disaster of the Gulf Oil rig...

Who needs the network news when you have YouTube, MySpace et al...?

1 comment:

sonia bibiana said...

Totalmente de acuerdo, youtube es el mas amplio canal para ver las diferentes posiciones de los politicos en el mundo.

Pero, como tu dices, a travez de los anos, puedo ver que todos los politicos son iguales, para mi son una raza especial parecida geneticamente, dicen las mismas cosas siempre, disfrazandolas de una u otra manera, pero al final de cuentas prometen lo mismo que al final no cumplen.

El punto es encontrar el menos malo y mas honesto que pueda cubrir la mayoria de necesidades de un pais.

Suerte ahora para Colombia en su proxima eleccion presidencial del 30 de mayo. Espero que sea Santos.