Tuesday, January 7, 2025

President Trumps World Economic Speech 2020


On January 21, 2020, President Donald Trump delivered what we believe was one of his most effective speeches ever to all the key global elite leaders at their periodic World Economic Council event in Davos, Switzerland. 

The stated theme of this global forum manifesto is "“Stakeholder capitalism,” a model...which positions private corporations as trustees of society, and is clearly the best response to today’s social and environmental challenges."

They additionally state that "a publicly listed corporation is not just a profit-seeking entity but also a social organism."

All of this hyperbole is basically meant to make "global corporatism" with "stakeholders that aren't stockholders" the new model for controlling and manipulating governments and economies.

This years darling and arguably "staged star" of the forum was the Swedish teenage "climate activist" and propagandist, Greta Thunberg. It seems obvious that the global elite adults in the room have failed to convince the world of true data and rationale behind human affected Climate Change and have seen it worth the effort to attempt guilt tripping the world into drinking the Koolaid of a 15 yr old girl who claims that the world's nations and corporations are destroying her future with environmental destruction that is propelling climate change. Al Gore has obviously failed and it is now Greta's turn to try. It is amazing to see all these global powers and money follow the whims of an inexperienced, uneducated girl with more emotional appeal than rational fact. 

During President Trump's 36 minute long speech, he takes great delight in rattling off the amazing data of America's economic recovery with only 3 years at the helm of the last country that continues pushing for a form of free market capitalism. His comparisons to the failures of neo-progressive liberal economies in Europe, Russia, China, and elsewhere are stark and the majority of blind leaders and Billionaires following George Soros didn't appreciate this lone wolf message at all. While we don't always agree or enjoy Trumps approach and egoism, it took a special pair of "huevos" (Mexican for “balls”) to tell the largest collection of global powers in one room ever that they are wrong and "we Americans will never bow down to their corporate socialism".

It is not lost on our consciousness or connection to the fact that after this speech, the Wujan Virus was released on the whole world that would temporarily destroy the American progress and advances. The global elites were successful in shutting down a majority of the world's economic engine through fear of this unknown virus and spreading such propaganda through their owned institutions (WHO, CDC, NIH, etc) and controlled medias at all levels in an attempt to show "who is in control" of global governance.

In these 8 months since this speech and conference, we are seeing a global attack on this American President and his policies like never before seen in the history of our country. It is America and the American Dream against a vast majority of the world's socialist progressive leaders and corporations. These powers have obviously placed tremendous power and money behind a corrupt and fascist version of the Democratic party machine. They have brokered a deal to control the weakest political candidates the Democratic party could find to appeal to the most extreme leftist platform the USA has arguably ever seen running for the Presidency. 

This 2020 election has become a great experiment in how easily the global elite can isolate, divide, and control the masses through intimidation and domestic terrorism...backed by a majority of vicious media mobs spilling their propaganda filth through American airwaves 24/7 every day.  The publicly supported national media have for months total screeched at the policies and persons of this President even in the face of his many accomplishments that then led into handling the largest pandemic in 100 years to hit the USA.

The forces of evil have never been more evident. The total lack of truth and justice that currently prevail on our airwaves and in our public streets are appalling. We have allowed these powerful forces to successfully stir up all divisions in the melting pot of America. The lies and deceit of politicians have never been more obvious or malicious. Even the courts themselves, the third branch of government, has become very corrupted in backing corporate elite agendas that are nowhere near constitutional in nature.

What can the average American or conservative globalist do about these things? Historically there has always been an answer to extreme tyranny. It takes years and sometimes centuries to correct evil empires, but every empire to this date has eventually fallen. If America doesn’t turn around from its current direction of progressive liberalism leading to social, cultural, and economic implosion, our experiment in Republican Democracy will be a total failure. The cycles of rising totalitarianism in American need to stop. The average American needs to reclaim their rights and their influence over those who lord power over them. If we need to pursue a quiet revolution against the statism we face, so be it. If we do nothing, we will be overcome and become vassals of a New World Order. Many seem to be fine with that so as to be “taken care of” through global socialism. Those who are fine with that should find some other country, constitution, and flag to live under.